We initially featured handmade soaps, bathroom, home and beauty gifts from various independent manufacturers back in 2011. The founders had always enjoyed a touch of self-pampering and wanted to share their enjoyment with others.
Buying a selection of Savon De Marseille soaps presented in a simple, brown kraft board, string tied, gift box in France triggered an interest in French soaps. What seemed at the time to be an impulse buy and a snatched moment in time can now be seen as a profound moment in the development of our French Soap House offering.
Similarly, purchasing some attractively presented, handmade natural soaps at an x-mas market stall and gifting them to friends and family sparked an undying interest in artisan soaps after receiving hugely positive feedback.
After a really encouraging reception face-to-face selling at craft fairs, village festivals and school fetes, it seemed only natural to expand and launch online. And here we are!
We hope you enjoy your time browsing the virtual shelves of our French and Artisan soapery departments as much as we enjoyed those first shopping experiences that set us on our way to creating our store. While you won’t be able to experience the beautiful scents and handle the soaps, you can rest assured, they won’t disappoint on reception.
Have a nice day now.
Explore Our Soapery Departments
Artisan bath and body products, luxurious natural soaps, handmade bath bombs, fizzers, melts, creams, salts, candles and much, much more …